
Call for Abstracts

The event provides an excellent opportunity for you to network, share your experiences and learn from other participants. The Scientific and Organizing Committee invites everyone working in the field of Neurology and Epilepsy to submit an abstract, so that it may be considered for either a platform or a poster presentation. We are looking for your abstract submission that describe innovative experiences and initiatives that you have established to improve the care or services you provide. The abstract submission form is available below.

subission type

Please subit for poster style
submitted abstract will be reviewed as poster presentation.
please subit your abstract in digital poster format for flash style presentation

Submission deadline:

open till the conference date

What is the Selection criteria?

The Scientific Committee will independently review all submissions using the criteria below.

* Significance:

— The impact of the experience on the quality and safety of care, along with whether the conclusions are substantiated by relevant data.

* Relevance:

— The extent to which the topic addresses the conferences streams and current healthcare issues.

* Presentation Quality:

— The abstract should be presented in a clear, concise, and well- structured way, with proper use of language and a title that reflects the contents of the story.

Who Should I Contact if I Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact:
